Structural engineering for on-shore wind turbine foundations
CTE Wind presents its range of services and solutions to meet all your demands :
- Review of geotechnical interpretative reports (GIR) to confirm that all necessary soil values are provided
- Synthesis and grouping of soil values for wind farm foundation optimisation
- Site assessment to determine the required geotechnical site investigation campaign
- Procurement assistance in the selection of geotechnical contractors for the preparation of the geotechnical report
- Designs according to international standards and specific wind guidelines, taking into account local country regulations
- Preliminary designs (report and schematic drawings) to identify potential cost optimisations based on the geotechnical report and to compare required designs for different wind turbine models under consideration
- Detailed designs (full structural report and construction drawings) based on our experience and the turbine manufacturers’ requirements to ensure a safe, reliable and economical design. Complete verifications including: loads, partial safety factor, dynamic rotational stiffness, SLS and ULS, fatigue analysis and reinforcement calculation.
- Bankable reports: Designs that can be submitted for approval to insurers, banks, manufacturers and others. We guide our clients through to final validation by these organisations.
Complementary skills
- Anchor cage design: detailed dimensioning including fatigue analysis, grout determination, bolt prestressing forces and fabrication drawings
- Design of all types of piles (driven, drilled, etc.) adapted to different soil conditions, including geotechnical calculation to determine their length and allowable stresses.
- Innovative design solutions (high pedestal, soft spot, rock anchor foundation, near shore foundations, etc.) Engineering foundation solutions for turbine prototypes (i.e.: offshore prototype, two-blade turbine, guyed mast, folding mast, etc…)
- Design Reviews/CAT III Checks: full independent calculations and cross-checks against 3rd party consultant’s design with suggestions for improvement/optimisation of these foundations where necessary.